The Author And The Book

Are You Prepared For The Coming Of Messiah

Don't be deceived by false teachings about the fulfillment of the great tribulation prophecies and the coming of King Jesus the Messiah. You can receive many benefits from the author’s eight years of research as he applies current events and a Hebraic Roots understanding, that makes the last generation prophecies come alive.

For more information about the author and insight regarding this must read book, visit the author’s web site at: Prepare For The Coming Messiah. This book is also available at Amazon.

Authors On The Rise, Tracy Krauss

Author Book Marketing Presents Author Tracy Krauss
And The Beat Goes On

  • About the book: When an archaeologist uncovers an earthshaking discovery in the mountains of Zimbabwe, plenty of theories are unearthed to describe his find.

    Canadian archaeologist Mark Graham digs up the remains of a pterodactyl, found carefully buried next to a set of gigantic human bones. What could his finding mean? Was there a race of giant humans who existed near the time of the dinosaurs? Or is the find a carefully planned hoax?

    One theory speculates the existence of a race of giants, believed to have descended from both men and gods. The race is called Nephilim, and scientists scurry to find the truth behind the bones.
    As sinister forces enter the picture and Graham is deceived by friends and colleagues, he struggles to safeguard the bones and his reputation so he can learn the mystery behind the Nephilim.

    And The Beat Goes On

The Author, The Story, The Book, Odysseya

ODYSSEYA - An Epic Journey from Russia to Australia

"A fascinating and moving Australian immigrant saga set against the backdrop of ancient and modern Russian history."

Alex was born in Shanghai, China. At the age of three, he was taken to Harbin and at nine, in 1951, to Sydney, Australia. After an active career as a Professional Engineer and a long record of civic and community involvement, he retired and lives with his wife Alexandra in Castle Hill. They have two children and four grandchildren. In Nov 2008 he was awarded as Laureate-grand-finalists in a Sydney Book Festival.

The author provides short chapters with to the most part, clear points and conclusions. At its finest, Vassilieff uses language so well that the reader is prompted to learn more about Russian art and through this, to consider some of the darker aspects of the story. This is very good writing and the points made are subtle and wry with a generous humour. There is very little convoluted or over emotional indulgence and the story flows clearly and with almost no dull patches. The author has packed around his family's history some interesting asides about cuisine, theosophy, art, music and literature, the effects of the war on ordinary lives and the hard work, sense of freedom and ultimately the development of families thrust into a new and totally different country.

The introduction is very well managed. The author has chosen to highlight the period of Russian history that ordinary or lay readers often do not understand - the effects of the arrival of the Viking warriors and how this can be traced and understood to have lead to the fall of the Romanov Empire are excellently drawn together. Spanning Old Russia to the Russian Diaspora., the content provides much historical information sourced from a diverse collection of Russian chronicles and history. However the human interest is continually brought to the fore through the interweaving of personal accounts, reflection and, as the author attests, an anthropological and forensic application to what he recalls and has been told.

As I was writting my memoirs I understood the words uttered by a famous 19th Century Danish Writer and Philosopher. "Life must be lived forward but it can only be understood backwards"

Free Author Book Promotions & Frugal Book Marketing

I encourage all authors to explore any and all free advertisement and book promotions that come their way. We also have sites and blogs that offer free author promotions and book marketing for authors, as we understand the need is great. Plus we are constantly creating and finding new ways for authors to promote and market their books for free.

However, many times a author just doesn't have the endless hours that it requires to register and join site after site to promote and market their books. Some authors not only lack the time, but also the knowledge with regards to all the online interactions. Other authors have yet to design and create a authors site or authors blog to market their books from.

For those of you that do not have the time, means or desire to create online buzz for your books, we offer expanded online author promotions and book marketing as follows for the Christian Author and books that fall into that category. We also help authors create author media sites and blogs to showcase their books at.

Expanded Online Author Promotions & Book Marketing For The Christian Author.

Author Promotions & Book Marketing Includes:

1) A cover shot of your book release with a link back to your author site
2) The title of the book (above the book cover)
3) The authors name (below the book cover)
4) A content post that again shares the book cover, the title, the authors name, book description and with a link back to the authors site

What are the benefits?

1) Expanded and targeted marketing within a established Christian Network of sites.
2) Prime front page advertising.
3) National and worldwide exposure.
4) Dramatically increases your online presence.
5) Will help to increase your page ranking.
6) 1 full year of marketing.
7) You get the expanded book marketing that you deserve.

We have marketing programs available on 25 sites, 50 sites, 75 sites and up to 100 separate sites. Just imagine the potential and the best part is the prices, they are designed with authors in mind.

Your Success Is Our Success Story!
Let us help you get the WORD out.
Author Media Site & Book Marketing
In His Glorious Name Ministries Online

Expanded Author Promotions & Book Marketing

It's 2010! Time to start putting your book marketing program together. Promoting your book is a must and especially for the self published author. Even author's using Print On Demand publishers that paid for the national and international marketing packages will soon find out that they are a nameless, faceless person among millions of books in online search data basis that will prove to be fruitless. Author's you must market your books and do not depend on your publisher to do your marketing.

We are offering extended online author media site and book promotions for Christian authors, which includes the following:

1) A cover shot of your book release with a link back to your author site
2) The title of the book (above the book cover)
3) The authors name (below the book cover)
4) A content post that again shares the book cover, the title, the authors name, book description and with a link back to the authors site

What are the benefits?

1) Expanded and targeted marketing within a established Christian Network of sites.
2) Prime front page advertising.
3) National and worldwide exposure.
4) Dramatically increases your online presence.
5) Will help to increase your page ranking.
6) 1 full year of marketing.
7) You get the expanded book marketing that you deserve.

For further information email us at:
Author Media Blogs & Book Marketing

Here are some sites of interest to further help you promote and market your books.

Healthy Eating For The Christian Heart

Spiritual Nutrition:
Healthy Eating for the Christian Heart

Christine Prescott

Spiritual Nutrition: Healthy Eating for the Christian Heart focuses on the development of healthy spiritual habits by identifying five core spiritual nutrients and comparing them to their physical counterparts:

•Prayer is like water-vital for life and essential for survival.
•Bible study is like protein necessary for growth.
•Christian fellowship is like carbohydrates-gives us energy.
•Worship is like healthy fats-helps keep our hearts healthy,
•Thinking on good things is like vitamins-necessary for helping the othernutrients work effectively.

"Just as the flab in our physical bodies will only go away through consistently healthy eating and exercise, our spiritual flab can only be removed through a good spiritual diet and exercise that becomes a part of our lives every day".

New Book Release, February 2010

from Kaylin McFarren, award-winning author comes a powerful novel about love, loss, and the power of forgiveness.

A Must Read Book

The author is proud to announce that 100% of her proceeds from the sale of FLAHERTY'S CROSSING will be designated to cancer research which means that each book sold can help to make a difference!

Make some time to visit Kaylins authors website where you will find additional information, blessings and some great content.

Author Book Promotions On Twitter

Follow AuthorBookPromo on Twitter

Come follow Author Book Promotions on twitter and enjoy the tweets!

Marketing Your Books

There are many ways for authors to market their books. Doing book events at local bookstores is one of the many ways. Yet for every author, they must have a authors site or blog filled with great content, information, photos, and of course their books, descriptions and all about the author.

If you are a author that needs some help designing and building a site or blog contact us via email at as we can help you.

Attention Authors

Where authors and readers come together!

November Blessings For Christian Authors

We are offering extended online author media site and book promotions for Christian authors, which includes the following:

1) A cover shot of your book release with a link back to your author site
2) The title of the book (above the book cover)
3) The authors name (below the book cover)
4) A content post that again shares the book cover, the title, the authors name, book description and with a link back to the authors site

What are the benefits?

1) Expanded and targeted marketing within a established Christian Network of sites.
2) Prime front page advertising.
3) National and worldwide exposure.
4) Dramatically increases your online presence.
5) Will help to increase your page ranking.
6) 1 full year of marketing.
7) You get the expanded book marketing that you deserve.

For further information email us at:
Author Media Site Promotions & Book Marketing

Authors & Writers Expand Into New Horizons

Expanding your online marketing can definitely increase your chances of book sales plus create a online presence for you as a author. Target marketing is very important. Many authors find themselves joining author communities, however consider this. Most authors write and publish books and only purchase some selected writings.

The key to expanding your marketing is choosing your market.

If you are a Christian Author, you want to market your book to other Christians. If you wrote a book about cars, you want to marketing your book to car lovers. If you wrote a book about health, you want to market your book where people are into health.

While associating with other authors, sharing information and getting input from other authors is very helpful, that is not how a author wants to market his or her books and is not priority marketing target.

You must think author media site marketing and the language of book marketing.

Authors, get the online marketing you deserve at Author Media Blogs & Book Marketing

Authors, Expand Into New Markets

Looking to expand your book marketing inti new markets and additional communities. Here are some additions that you can add to your author media site through membership and also expand your book marketing and author media site into other horizons.

Blog Catalog
Good Reads
The Authors Club
Author Media Blogs & Book Marketing

Author Media Blogs

Having trouble designing your author media site? Maybe your lacking in creating a banner for your blog or getting the book cover photo just right. Maybe you have never built a professional author media site or don't have the time to learn how.

Regardless of the reasons that may be holding you back as a author. Having a author media site is very important. If you need some help or assistance in creating a great author media site, contact us. We can assist you.

Author Media Blogs & Book Marketing

Creating A Author Book Site

As a author, you must promote your new book. You can't expect your publisher to do all the promotions work. Publishers publish books and this is especially the case with self publishing.

So what are just a few basic ways to promote your book.

1) You must have a author media & book site
2) You must advertise and market your site.
3) You must create interesting content on your site.
4) You must showcase your book cover & book description.
5) You must have a authors page.
6) You must link with a few other sites of interest.
7) You must have a book order section or page.
8) You must have a contact section of page.
9) You must work to get your site ranked and create a online presence.

The above are simple basics when creating a author media site. Of course if you view some other author media sites, you will find some additional ideas and visions to adapt to your site.

If you are in the process of creating a author / book site and need some assistance, contact us at as we can assist you.

A Author Must Think Marketing

If you've published a book with a POD publisher, half the work is done. Now you have to market your books and that is just as important as writing and publishing a book.

Maybe you've paid for the 25,000 online bookstore promotion package. OK, cool your in the data base, along with millions of other author's and books. Maybe you've paid for the national and international promotions package. That's great, now your again among the millions and millions of online books.

Have you Googled your books title, or maybe your name and found that your book is found on the search engines? That's great, however in all honesty does anyone other than you, your publisher and a few friends know the name of your book or who you are? Let's be honest, if your a first time author or a unknown author, who's going to search for your book by it's title or your name as the author?

As a author, you must market yourself and your book. That's where having a author media site becomes your starting point. You can showcase your book, a description of your book, your author description, some interesting things about yourself, share important links and share your contact information and where and how book lovers can order your book.

Provided that you can order your books from your publisher at a author's discount. Then you can sell them right from you're authors site and the profits by far exceed royalties.

Your author's media site becomes your online worldwide business card. It is where people can find you, read about your book, you as the author, about local book signings and whatever other interesting information and content you provide. Without your own personal website, or authors blog, your just another book and author among the millions and millions found online.

Some author's join every book club they can find, sign every guest book they can and join other author communities hoping that this will bring book sales. However, in the end, this usually proves to be a lot of work with very little results.

If your looking for some assistance in creating a author's site and marketing your site and book, contact us at , we can help you get online, jump started and get you the online exposure that you deserve.