I encourage all authors to explore any and all free advertisement and book promotions that come their way. We also have sites and blogs that offer free author promotions and book marketing for authors, as we understand the need is great. Plus we are constantly creating and finding new ways for authors to promote and market their books for free.
However, many times a author just doesn't have the endless hours that it requires to register and join site after site to promote and market their books. Some authors not only lack the time, but also the knowledge with regards to all the online interactions. Other authors have yet to design and create a authors site or authors blog to market their books from.
For those of you that do not have the time, means or desire to create online buzz for your books, we offer expanded online author promotions and book marketing as follows for the Christian Author and books that fall into that category. We also help authors create author media sites and blogs to showcase their books at.
Expanded Online Author Promotions & Book Marketing For The Christian Author.
Author Promotions & Book Marketing Includes:1) A cover shot of your book release with a link back to your author site
2) The title of the book (above the book cover)
3) The authors name (below the book cover)
4) A content post that again shares the book cover, the title, the authors name, book description and with a link back to the authors site
What are the benefits?1) Expanded and targeted marketing within a established Christian Network of sites.
2) Prime front page advertising.
3) National and worldwide exposure.
4) Dramatically increases your online presence.
5) Will help to increase your page ranking.
6) 1 full year of marketing.
7) You get the expanded book marketing that you deserve.
We have marketing programs available on 25 sites, 50 sites, 75 sites and up to 100 separate sites. Just imagine the potential and the best part is the prices, they are designed with authors in mind.
Your Success Is Our Success Story!Let us help you get the WORD out.
Author Media Site & Book MarketingIn His Glorious Name Ministries Online