The Chosen
Nick Gasaway
CBM Christian Book Review
out of 10.0 stars
to national security and foreign forces that line up set the tone for
fast-paced thrill ride into, The Chosen, the sequel to The Sword of Solomon by
Nick Gasaway.
a backdrop, Sarah (an electronic intelligence monitoring system created by
Solomon), bring exhilaration as a phantom chess game ensues with big losses and
high stakes for Solomon. In beginning chapters, an unfolding scenario is
planned against Big Satan (the U.S.) that is hated by foreign entities. The
U.S. now has become a target. Readers
will enjoy this Christian fiction novel that focuses on an exciting adventure
into the End Times, as technology
increases, as nations strive against each other, and demonic forces are
battled. An epic adventures ensues as
the ones highlighted are the 144,000, Israel and the two prophets…this is an
exciting read! Multi-faceted events happen one-by-one that culminate in the Chosen
who are to gather the lost until Christ returns.
the author includes memorable witty quotes and scripture verses that make for a
great way to begin each chapter. Each offers a foreshadowing of the chapter’s
intent. Chosen are 5 individuals; these
5 are sent to gather the lost before the coming of Christ’s return. Guardians are in place for these leaders,
offering complete protection, and the Chosen brings a riveting second book that
continues the story asking some relevant and pertinent questions. These
questions lead to the ultimate question posed in this book, “If you were chosen
by God to do a specific task, how would you respond?”
that we don’t know the day or the hour of Christ’s return, his book is an
exciting plausible journey into future scenarios relating parallels to the
Bible that offer amazing relevance. The book also instigates readiness and a
willingness to do the Lord’s will.
Inspiring and entertaining, this is another “hold onto your seat” action
adventure from the author who creates an amazing cast of characters.
of EMP’s (electric magnetic pulses), pre-emptive nuclear strikes, Russia’s
communism, China’s military men power of 2 million, North Korea’s rebellion and
swirl of Arab influences, the plausible modern-day parallels create an
intriguing look at the world’s platform and the axis of evils that arise and
increase, yet righteousness fights back!
The Chosen relates God’s End Time victors who carry His sword and the
Star of David until the end. This is an uplifting and inspiring novel, encouraging
all to be loyal, steadfast and to never give up.
series created by the author are highly recommended for the next genre of End
Time fiction novels that readers should not pass up.
This is a must-read after The Sword of Solomon and is a uniquely memorable insight to
today’s events, offering hope to “be ready” in the battles to come.
your copy of The Chosen at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.