Let's Go Green, Teaching Our Children

Little Bit & Big Byte, Go Green by Craig T. Feigh delights children with colorful illustration and fun learning on how to “Go Green.” The Romie family learns that it’s a good thing to save the environment and recycle.  Going green is great in the month of March too! In March one may wear green for St. Patrick’s Day.  Green is a good color and is their favorite color in “Saving the Environment.” See how all the fun ways one can “Go Green” with the Romie family.

In this cute little children’s book, going green means you can recycle all different types of products – mainly three are recycled – paper, plastic & aluminium. One can save energy to help save our planet by going green too. There are many ways to conserve energy and go green as well. Conserving water and using less electricity is a way the Romie family learns to be a part of the going green community which helps our planet and conserves the Earth’s natural resources like: water and electricity. In this way, we can give back in our daily lives. Even using public transportation helps conserve and save our planet. Find out how that works.

Intertwining science and education, Craig T. Feigh has created a wonderfully fun and easy way to teach children to conserve energy, save natural resources, recycle and go green for a better environment. In this way, children understand that conservation is necessary not only for those who live now, but for the Earth to be protected for future generations. Children and parents alike will adore the Romie family that live in our everyday modern-lives through our computers and phones.

A great educational series for young children!

I had my daughter read Craig’s book and here is what she said;

“Little Bit & Big Byte, Go Green is very colorful and teaches children what to do to help our environment, it also gives examples of what not to do which is very important. I think it is a very cute book that will teach youngsters how to help the environment in their daily lives as they grow up and that is something that we all should do.” 

Title: Little Bit & Big Byte, Go Green
By: Craig T. Feigh, Illustrated by: Patrick Carlson
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars