The book of Exodus provides us with one of the most dramatic adventures of faith found in the Bible. During its forty fantastic chapters, we read about the enslavement of an entire race; a baby set afloat on the Nile River; a speaking shrub; a shepherd’s staff becoming a venomous snake; water transformed into blood; miraculous frogs; gnats, flies, and locus infestations; a death angel; a sea selectively parting for the good guys and swallowing up the bad guys; a seemingly unlimited supply of flat bread on the ground in the desert every morning; birds dropping in for dinner; water flowing out of a rock; and much, much more. The stuff God pulls off in Exodus is way better than anything Indiana Jones, Iron Man, or even a Jedi relying upon the force could possibly accomplish. Seriously, someone should consider negotiating a film deal with God. I really believe the story that unfolds in Exodus would be a blockbuster success. Wait, has someone already done that movie?
Read more about The Promise Land Principle: Possessing God’s Provisions and Possibilities by Faith at Amazon.
Through the persistent concern of a neighbor, Richard Christenson became a born-again believer at age thirty-one. Richard, previously a professing agnostic, subsequently began talking with family, friends, and work associates about his new life as a follower of Jesus. A work associate attentively listened to his story and responded, "It is evident that your belief in God is making you happy. However, I choose not to believe and I am also a happy person. Why can't you Christians leave us happy heathens alone?"
What Do You Say to a Happy Heathen? provides insightful, inspirational assistance for those willing to consider the biblical claims of Christ, followers of Christ wanting to more effectively communicate their beliefs, and local church discipleship training processes.
Get your copy of What Do You Say to a Happy Heathen? at Amazon.
Christ's Discipleship Deal
As a former pastor, Richard Christenson has had the opportunity to address numerous congregations and men’s ministry groups throughout the northwestern United States, and his observations from these experiences are alarming. He found that comprehensive discipleship training that addresses the spiritual formation and mission involvement requirement of Christ’s followers has been replaced by “felt needs” driven programming and religious education classes. The result is, local churches are becoming increasingly ingrown and are comprised of consumers, spectators, and Jesus fans rather than cross-carrying followers of Jesus Christ.
Richard Christenson believes this problem is the result of our incomplete presentation of the Gospel and our failure to provide comprehensive maturity, ministry, and mission training for church members. Christ’s discipleship deal comes with many temporal and eternal benefits, but there are also costs involved that need to be counted before making a commitment to become a follower of Christ.
In his new book, Christ’s Discipleship Deal, Christenson offers assistance for local church leaders in identifying and correcting concerns related to their presentation of the Gospel, spiritual formation of their members, and proactive participation in Christ’s redemptive mission.
Order your copy of Christ's Discipleship Deal at Amazon. You may visit the author at Author Richard Christenson.
In his new book, Christ’s Discipleship Deal, Christenson offers assistance for local church leaders in identifying and correcting concerns related to their presentation of the Gospel, spiritual formation of their members, and proactive participation in Christ’s redemptive mission.
Order your copy of Christ's Discipleship Deal at Amazon. You may visit the author at Author Richard Christenson.