Christian Book Marketing - Building A Online Presence For Your Christian Book

Building a strong online presence while marketing your Christian book is a must. Christian Book Marketing and author promotions are essential for every Christian author. 

A creative and tailored Christian book marketing strategy should encompass several key elements to boost visibility and drive traffic to your author's website and most importantly your book's Amazon and Kindle book pages. 

A successful Christian Book Marketing strategy will promote you as the author, your book, and where and how to purchase your book at.

Here are just some of the ways that we can help you build a strong online presence and market your Christian book. 

  • Christian Book Reviews:  With our Christian Book Review services, we will purchase a copy of your book, read it from cover to cover, and write a Christian book review that shares the heart of your book. A Christian Book Review is just one of the ways to get the word out about your book and attract book lovers. 
  • Christian Book Review Marketing:  We have the ability to use our Christian Book Reviews as a powerful marketing tool and place the book review on hundreds of Christian sites that will share your book in the Christian marketplace while also promoting your Amazon and Kindle book pages.  
  • Christian Book Blast Packages: Our Christian Book Blast Package will provide you with instant and expanded online marketing for your Christian book, your author's website, and your Amazon and Kindle book pages. 
  • Christian Author Press Releases:  Our Christian Author Press Releases Package will professionally announce your book release and focus on you the author, and vitally important information about your book release. Another great way to promote your Amazon and Kindle book pages.  
  • Prime Front Page Christian Book Placement: We offer various Prime Front Page Placement Packages that will place your book in prime position on 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 sites with live clickable links back to your book's Amazon page. 
  • Kindle Book Promotions: For those authors who have only published their books in Kindle eBook format, we have packages designed to promote your Kindle eBook, and where and how to purchase it. 
  • Christian Video Book Trailers: We offer Video Book Trailer Productions and Video Book Trailer Marketing Packages that will expand your reach and attract book lovers. 
  • Social Media:  Social Media Book Marketing has become extremely popular and is very important as a secondary form of book marketing. Let's create a social media book marketing package that will help you tap into the social media craze. 
  • Christian Network Building / Link Expansion:  We can help you build a solid online presence for you as an author and your Christian book through network and link expansion.
  • Christian Author Website: Looking for a Christian author website. If you need assistance creating and launching a Christian author's website, SEO, how to obtain your domain name, hosting, or how to promote your website so that people can find it. We can help.

If you need help getting the word out about your Christian book,
we can put a Christian Book Marketing Package together for you.  

Christian Book Publishing - Manuscript Editing, Interior Book Design, Print Ready Files


Christian Book Publishing
Manuscript Editing, Interior Book Design, and Print Ready Files

Christian Book Publishing, if you need professional manuscript editing, interior book design, and print-ready files to upload to self-publish your Christian book.  Contact us for a free evaluation, recommendations, and a quote for services at 

Custom Book Banners for Christian Authors

 25 Custom Christian Book Banner Promotion
Plus 50 Site Book Marketing Package

Let CBM create a Custom Book Banner Promotion for your book and post the Custom Banners on 50 Christian Sites with clickable links back to your book's Amazon page and website. People are visual and custom banners showcasing your book are very attractive to book lovers. 

Here Is What Is Included:
  • We will create 25 Custom Banners that showcase your book.
  • We will incorporate your front book cover and back cover into the Custom Banner. 
  • We will include your name as the author in the banner.
  • We will include your book title in the banner.
  • We will include "Available at Amazon" in the banner.
  • Each Custom Banner will have a different background picture that compliments your book cover.
  • If you have an Author's website address, we will include your site address in the banner. 
  • We will email you all 25 Custom Banners for your use.
  • You can post them elsewhere online, on your website, on Facebook, and on Twitter and you will also be able to print them out to use at book signing events or giveaways.
The Custom Banners and 50-Site Book Marketing Package will professionally showcase your book, get the word out, and attract book lovers and is great for not only promoting your book but also your book's Amazon page and your Author's website if you have one. 

"Remember, if they can't find your book and do not know that it exists and is available to purchase, they can't buy it".


Christian Authors, Writers Wanted For New Christian Book Release

Authors for Christ
Let's Publish and You Are Invited To Participate!

You Write It and We Will Publish It
Let's share the love of Christ with the world.

  • For published, self-published, and first-time Christian authors.
  • Gain multi-published Christian author status.
  • Share your Christian testimony, teaching, story, or article.

Let's Publish!! You Are Invited To Participate: The book will be a collection of short articles (writings) from various Christian authors just like you. There is also a lot of exposure for each author that participates.

We also would like for each author who signs up to include a short bio at the end of their article so that readers know more about you as the author of the article. This is not mandatory, however, available for those authors who would like to include a short bio to be published along with their article. It is also important that you list all the books that you have published at the end of your article by title so that book lovers can find and purchase them along with your author's website address if you have one. 

Some authors will write a fresh new article for publication while others will choose to use a portion of a chapter from a previous book that they have published and then at the end of the article place "taken from the book ( title of the book ) available on Amazon or at the author's website.

Each author's article will appear in the order that they sign up and complete the payment process. So for those of you who want to be in the front portion of the book, get signed up right away as the spots go fast.

Your Part: Write something original around your favorite scripture or something that is a testimony of God's love, faithfulness, and promises. Remember, the whole purpose of the book is to bless and encourage others so that opens the door to endless topics and subjects, like Love, Grace, Mercy, Salvation, Trust, God's Word, Healing, Miracles, The Power of Prayer, Overcoming Sorrow, Overcoming Depression, Restoration, God's Promises, Personal Testimonies, etc. Blink, someone already thought of a great topic. Maybe that is you? 

The Article: The overall word count of the book will be set at 50,000 words, give or take. With 25 authors participating, each author's article will need to be 2,000 words or less which calculates out to approximately 8 pages at 250 words per page. Remember, it is not how much you write or say, but rather the life-changing testimony or article that you write. Dig deep, each of you has something profound to share. Something that God has sown into you that is life-changing that will bless others. 

It is written that we overcome by the blood of the lamb of God and the word of our testimony. Each of you are overcomers and each of you is filled with volumes of testimonies. Life-changing testimonies or pearls as we like to call them. Let's share them with the world. 

Credits and Other: Each author's name will be credited on each article, for example "written by Author John Doe, author of Faith Restored." For multi-published authors, we would make mention of up to three of your published books at the end of your article. Each author will also receive a custom book banner that showcases the new book release that they can post on their website or blog when the book is published.

Authors for Christ: We are proud to work with some of the most talented Christian authors and writers in the industry. Our Christian authors come from diverse backgrounds and have a passion for sharing the love of Christ that shines brightly into the world and lives of others. 

We have Senior Pastors, Associate Pastors. Missionaries, Evangelists, Award Winning Christian Authors, Multi-Published Christian Authors, Best Selling Authors, Self-published Authors, and Writers who participate. Come and join us.

Christian Book Publishing - Christian Authors Wanted 

The Story of Kalev Son of Hezron

 Imagine, after 300 years, your only birthright is to exist as a helpless slave under the whip of the most powerfully evil empire on earth. Where was the God of your ancestors? Did He even exist?

General: The Story of Kalev Son of Hezron

Christian Book Publishing - Helping Christian Authors and Writers Publish their Christian Books to the Glory of God

 From manuscript editing, interior book design and layout, and book cover designs to Christian Book Publishing Assistance Packages, we can help you publish your Christian book and save money in the process.  Contact us for a free evaluation, recommendations, and a quote for services. 

Christian Book Publishing Assistance Packages

The Jesus Gospel: A First Word-for-Word Combination of the Four Gospels

THE JESUS GOSPEL Four Gospels, Four Records, One Book...His Story Review by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas below

Never before has there been a book combining a word-for-word timeline of the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) using only Bible text. For the first time ever, The Jesus Gospel brings together a complete, easy to follow, groundbreaking chronology of the life of Jesus Christ.


I found The Jesus Gospel fascinating. The way the four Gospels were combined into a single chronologic record, using the words from the Bible was an ingenious idea. I could now follow Jesus' time on earth in a single narrative. I recommend The Jesus Gospel to everyone who would like a deeper and detailed view of Jesus.- Clarence Thomas- Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States

The Jesus Gospel: A First Word-for-Word Combination of the Four Gospels

Wings and a Prayer - Christian Author Joe Rose

Children's Christian Inspirational Books - Joe Rose, a talented artist and writer, presents an exciting and adventurous story of Blossom, the caterpillar who dreams of becoming a butterfly with beautiful wings. 

Blossom learns throughout the book, as she dreams of having wings that her transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly isn’t what she thought it would be. In her mind, things didn’t go as planned. She learns to put all her trust in the Lord and her best friend, Tyler, a branch spider, who knows all too well that Blossom needs much encouragement.

The story of Blossom’s metamorphosis from the cocoon to learning how to fly with the “unlikely” wings, can be humorous at times, as well as a colorful journey brings Blossom’s story to life. Children and adults alike will appreciate Blossom, Tyler, and her determination to have wings. In the end, Blossom learns God had a plan all along and that he blessed her with incredible talent to help others from her own experience.

Using this analogy of a butterfly and based on Jerimiah 17:7, “Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him,” ~ Author Joe Rose, speaks to small children (ages 6-8) teaching them to pray, rely and trust on the Lord, even when one doesn’t understand. God has His plan and works His best for us. Along the way, issues such as self-acceptance, determination, overcoming, and waiting on God’s perfect timing offering hope in alternative outcomes that shine through. God works all things together for good (Romans 8:28).  

This is a wonderfully expressive and artistic book that children will love and cherish. Parents will certainly want a copy to give to their children, or perhaps grandchildren. ~ A delightful read!

Additionally, this book makes a great gift for family, friends, loved ones, neighbors, and co-workers.

Wings and a Prayer
By: Joe Rose
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0

Get your copy of Wings and a Prayer at Amazon and in 
Kindle as a download. Visit Joe Rose's Facebook Page

Scriptural Truths From the Book of Revelation 1: 5-7

This book is designed to elevate the reader into true intimacy with Christ while knowing Who Christ is in Heaven. A highly recommended must-read life-changing book.- The Magnificent Jesus: Walking in Intimacy presents deep scriptural truths from the book of Revelation 1: 5-7. 

Designed to reflect each scripture verse and meaning - 10 powerful chapters offer an easy-to-read and understand format that consists of prayer, focus on the scripture verse, commentary, reflection notes by a leader in ministry, and your own notes, making the book an interactive journey into Scripture and application. 

The Introduction and tools on the “inner room” along with acronym tools such as A.R.K., make this book a discovery journey of how intimacy is fostered through authority, the power of the Holy Spirit, and prayer to facilitate tapping into the deep river of God, knowing Him intimately, and walking in your God-given authority as a Kingdom Priest, forgiven and washed in His Blood to overcome. 

Insights from authors and ministry leaders contribute to this book such as: Lou Engle, John Arnott, Duncan Smith, and many international leaders such as: Sarah Jane Biggart, Wes Hall, Franklyn Spence, Murray Heibert,  Steve Uppal, Dele Olowu, Dean Briggs & Carolyn Jones

Keep in mind this is the revelation from Jesus Christ given to John, his servant, by an angel that was sent to him while exiled on the island of Patmos. John testifies to the things he sees and hears, writing all down in the Word of God for us today. Understanding these truths from Scripture reveals to readers what Jesus has done for those who call upon His name and bring clarity, elevating each seeker to intimacy, authority, and power within the Word of God. 

The insight and knowledge from Scripture, alongside many who have served God as leaders and lovers of God, catapults readers into knowing their authority in Christ, as they drink deep from the river of God to spread the gospel message to others. 

A Must-Read for anyone desiring an intimate walk with Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords!

The Magnificent Jesus: Walking in Intimacy
Johan den Hartogh & Ken Gott
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

You may get your copy of The Magnificent Jesus: Walking in Intimacy at Amazon and in Kindle

Persevering with Brain Cancer:

Jeff Schmiedel writes his love story with Kris, his wife of only 3 short years, and her untimely diagnosis of brain cancer. Jeff starts at the beginning of meeting Kris, their journey to falling in love to their wedding, and their plans for the future of family. 

She was the love of his life he stated. Then one fatal day when she had a seizure at work their lives were turned “upside down.” Lovingly sharing fond memories and the terrifying rollercoaster of events that ensued, until the final day. Every day was a step into the unknown and they took it together and also as a family. His book is written to help reveal to readers the availability of other medicines, what helped them, and what they found that did not work. In addition, he advises other healing treatments that are available, including letting the readers know the benefits of natural health. 

From the moment one embarks on this journey, I knew this book would be a difficult one to endure. This is a touchy subject – the dreaded “C” word, on top of that, a brain cancer that came back with a vengeance. What struck me most is his strong faith in a loving God. He states that this faith carried him through, although he doesn’t pretend to know the “why” of it all. Clearly, his faith has increased, not decreased, which is what I really want to point out. 

Compassionately he has compiled this book to bring healing, hope, and health to others. Each chapter shows the arduous journey and the trials that not only affected Kris, but engulfed an entire family. Each person, each opportunity reveals a husband committed to his love and also the never-ending support of family that helped carry the couple through their darkest hours. This book will bring tears, I guarantee. 

This is a tribute to the “Jeff and Kris Story” that readers will find captivating, heartbreaking, and soothing. He shows that one can let go after such a tragedy; however, most certainly his landscape of life is forever changed after Kris. Hearts and hugs go out to him and the entire family! This is one of those books one will always cherish and find memorable.  

This book is highly recommended for those who are searching for hope and health, and also for those who are going through the dreaded diagnosis of cancer. The author again offers other pathways to healing, rather than conventional medicine. 

A highly recommended, heart-touching read.

Title: Persevering with Brain Cancer: 
A Search for Hope and Health
By: Jeff Schmiedel
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

You may get your copy of Persevering with Brain Cancer at Amazon or in Kindle as a download. 

Christian Book Publishing - Professional Christian Book Editing


Professional Christian Book Editing 

Our Professional Book Editing services will provide you with the peace of mind that your Christian book has been professionally edited and is ready for publishing. Our editors have over 15 years of experience editing Christian manuscripts and materials coupled with over 20 years of knowledge in biblical studies, Kingdom principles, and scripture. 

Christian Book Publishing 

Our Christian Book Publishing Assistance Packages place the author in complete control of their published works holding 100% copyright of their book and providing them with great author ordering book prices and the ability to log into their publishing account and see book sales in real-time 24/7/365 days a year.

For More Information
Christian Book Publishing 

Gospel Basics - The Only Website That Explains The Full Gospel Narrative

 Gospel Basics

The Only Website That Explains The Full Gospel Narrative 

Spiritual Warfare Prayer Journal

 A Must Read Book

For ten years our relationship was horrible. We couldn't stand to look at each other, let alone be around each other. Satan wanted to keep it that way because he knew that God had a ministry for us. He tried for a long time to keep that from happening. God has brought us from a long way together. We went through some dreadful experiences with each other. But to God be the glory. What Satan has tried to stop, we rebuked him in the name of Jesus, and is now able to tell our story and to help someone out. We hope that the experiences and prayers in this book will be a blessing to you. We are ready to be used by God in any way possible. We love God and the people He brings our way. This is not our testimony but God's testimony.

Spiritual Warfare Prayer Journal

America At War 2024-2026

In Genesis God declares that He created the sun and the moon for signs. On April 8, 2024, is the Great American Eclipse that crosses over the United States on the first day of the Hebrew month of Nisan (Passover). This was the same first day of the three days of darkness that occurred during the original plagues in Egypt. This solar eclipse is a HEAVENLY sign from the Creator which will be the starting gun for a series of wars over the next several years, including the final war against Amalek which is represented today by Radical Islam - Iran and its Hamas, Hezbollah, Isis, the Islamic Jihad, the Houthis and, some of which, are already attacking US soldiers and facilities in Iraq and Syria almost daily. In this book you'll find every Shemitah Cycle and Jubilee Cycle from the Creation of the World until today. You'll see the timing of major biblical and important historical events.

Three Great Christian Books

Title: Jesus and the Two Storms
By: Roland Ramirez
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Divinely inspired, Roland Ramirez, breaks down the two storms written in the books of Matthew and Mark. Studying and commenting on each verse, readers catch a glimpse of the context and learn lessons of faith to find victory. Readers will discover new and fresh insights, as these stories that build character and faith within the body of Christ. Learn to overcome life’s trials, and glean from these two storms, to understand that with Jesus, you are never alone and you can get through to victory in your life’s storms.

We all are familiar with the storm that arose wherein the disciples were terrified and the Lord seemed to be asleep in the bow of the boat. The other storm arose and Jesus was walking on water; Peter called out to Him, and then Jesus spoke to Peter to “Come.”  When God says, “Come,” what is our response? This book is written to help readers understand various aspects of each of these two storms. Do we get out of the boat? Do we have faith? When do we call out to Jesus for help?

The theme of the book is a call to endurance, and to call out to our Lord quickly, knowing that we can experience victory no matter what storm we may experience in life with Jesus helping or at the helm of our boat. Each chapter begins with a scripture, followed by an explanation with several introspective questions at the end. This book could be used individually, or in a group Bible setting. A salvation prayer at the back is included for those who need to reach out to the Lord. This is a wonderful way to reach out to the lost, teach them, increase their faith, and encourage them to walk through their trials with the Lord in their lives.

Also, a must-read book for every Christian as a reminder to Whom we follow and for encouragement within all the trials we face in this life.

This book helps one to refocus on the Lord and Scripture, and also to remember that no one is excluded from the trials and tests of this life; yet, we have Jesus and His victory to help us walk through any storm, situation, or circumstance. A great encouragement and challenge to learn to lean on the Lord at all times.

You may get your copy of Jesus and the Two Storms at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

Title: The Revelation of the Cross for You
By: Roland Ramirez
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 Stars

The Revelation of the Cross for You by Roland Ramirez, (spent twenty years in the making of this book), gives readers a greater understanding of how the crucifixion of Christ reversed curses set forth by sin. 

Taking the reader back to the beginning, this is a fast-paced read to understand the nature of crucifixion, its origins, and its purpose in the Roman Empire. He blends historical and Biblical facts, Adam and Eve’s sin compared to the cross, and how that represents our healing from the cross. We are set free from not only sin, but shame, guilt, and so much more. He weaves such an interesting read that one will come to understand that he did not receive this revelation from any other source, yet this has been revealed to the author through prayer and the Word. This is a powerful and easy-to-read book that brings wonderful and compassionate insight to the multiple blessings of the cross for you.

Brief and to the point, the author stays true to Scripture with chapters such as: The Crucifixion, The Triumphal Entry, The Prayer in the Garden, The Sweat, The Blindfold, Scourged, The Crown of Thorns, The Beard and The Cheeks, The Reed and The Staff, The Hands, The Feet, Forsaken, The Last Breath, The Side, The Focus with Multiple Purposes, The Tree of Life, Conclusion & Suggested Prayer of Salvation. All chapters focus on the wounds and significance of the wounds received by Jesus in His own body on the cross and what that means for you.

Truly, this man has written as directed by the Lord and helps one to deeply understand the suffering and the significance of The Revelation of the Cross for You! 

A highly recommended read for ALL, whether believer or not!

You may get your copy of The Revelation of the Cross for You at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

Title: Who is Santa Claus Biblically?
By: Roland Ramirez
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Ronald Ramirez, a pastor, asks this question, “Who is Santa Claus Biblically?” This is a good question as we approach the Christmas season. The tree, the presents, the celebration – have you ever wondered where the idea of Santa Claus came from? The author answers that question with a brief history of Santa Claus and blends the true meaning of the season, laying out for all Christians plainly but simply. An interesting read that begs the question: Who and What are you celebrating? His book explains the “unfortunate icon” of the season of Christmas that has been created through the mythical fantasy of Santa Claus that children, families, etc. take part in all over the world. 

Stating that Santa Claus does not exist in the Bible and one has to piece things together from the Word of God to make sense as to why the legend of Santa Claus exists, readers will be in shock and awe as they continue to read what the author reveals. As most know, the idea of “Santa Claus” is derived from a man known as Saint Nicholas. A monk who lived approximately 260 -280 A.D. in a village called Patara, now part of modern-day Turkey. But this is only the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.

The author continues a short overview of how the idea of Santa Claus came, which most likely, most of us don’t already know. From there he continues with chapters such as: The Ornament, The Tree, Santa Claus, The Threefold Strategy and Attack Method, Ho!Ho!Ho! Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, How I Got This Message, Righteous Fruit, Spread the Word, My Heart’s Desire, Closing Prayers, and a Conclusion help readers truly understand Who and What is to be worshipped during this season.

A highly recommended read for anyone interested in finding purpose behind the so-called “Christmas” season, and for those interested in truly worshipping ONLY the Lord Jesus Christ in their lives. The author gives facts and does not malign anyone, but rather shifts the focus for readers from the worship of false idols to the true and living God.

One might be truly surprised as to the seriousness of the issue according to the Word of God. 

I have to thank the author personally for writing this book. I am also having every family member read this book! 

You may get your copy of Who is Santa Claus Biblically? at Amazon and in Kindle as a download